I remember my stomach being in knots. Was this going to be "another Vietnam" -- i.e., "quagmire" -- as the media
The armed pacification of Iraq was stopped short by Sec. Def. Colin Powell with the okay of President George H. W. Bush. But then of course we had to go back (March 2003 under President George W. Bush) and dig Saddam Hussein out of his hole (December 2003). One thing led to another, until the petulant man-child light-bringer psychopathic malignant narcissist President Barack Obama pulled out the remaining U.S. troops, even in the absence of a status of forces agreement with the free government of Iraq (December 2011).
And then came "insurgency" and ISIS.
So the 1991 invasion turned out not to be a quagmire nor a Grenada. But it is looking like it is turning into another Vietnam after all. Having won the military conflict, having established and seen the beginnings of a free republic, the Democrats have once again sold out a victory purchased with priceless blood. In Vietnam: Communism, the killing fields, slavery and misery. In Iraq: Islamo-Socialism, the killing fields, slavery and misery.
I HOPE that is not the final conclusion.
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